the 5 campaign phases

Phase 1 | Prayer

Nothing happens without prayer.

The 4C’s 4 Christ campaign was birthed in a prayer meeting in January, 2021, where intercessors were led to Chapter 10 of Luke. There, Jesus sent out 72 evangelists 2x2 to bring healing to their communities and share the good news of the Kingdom of God. We believe that God wants to bring healing and transformation to our communities in the same way.

Since January several other prayer groups have joined us in intercession for the 4C’s 4 Christ campaign. You are invited to join us in prayer via telephone every Thursday night at 7:00 at 605 – 313-4838, code 416 432.

As the 2x2 Ambassadors go out into their communities they will be praying first to prepare themselves and the neighborhood. They will pray for each family they encounter and will pray for salvation for those who are ready to commit to Christ.

See our prayer points attached below…

We anticipate that the 4C’s 4 Christ outreach will generate an ongoing culture of prayer, and that a culture of evangelism will follow.